6 ways to Make More Sales On Instagram
You're doing all the things, but not getting sales?
you're on the gram and you know who your ideal clients are and what they want from you, but you're not generating leads or making sales. Instagram is driven by engagement & conversation. So what is going wrong? Well it could be that...
You Don't Have A Plan
This is the most important step, and most people don't do it. Plan your posts! Don't leave it to the day, and think 'Oh yeah, I should probably post something today'. Take the time to really think about the value you can consistently deliver
Your Bio Is Confusing
When people go to your page can they instantly tell what you do? You need to be clear & to the point. No sentences, keywords only. Remember the first line is NOT your business name, but what your search appears in.
Your Grid Is A Mess
You've got about 4 seconds for someone decide if they like what they see. Instagram is a visual platform so you need quality images that match your branding and get our attention.
You're Not Talking To Your People
You wouldn't believe us if we told you the number of business pages that don't respond when people comment on their posts! People c'mon this is a social platform, you know, for being 'social'. This is the goal so engage at every opportunity.
You Keep Trying To 'sell'
You're Not Using Stories & Reels
We can't get enough of stories & reels and if they're not part of your weekly strategy then you're missing out BIG time! Regular and relevant stories & reels will without a doubt give you a boost in engagement.
Doing it Daily
Here's some things you can do every day;

Click the link below to download the complete guide to make more sales on Instagram.